Archive for the ‘Perception – fact or fiction?’ Category

Perception?–fact or fiction?   2 comments

Those residing in Gauteng are often seen patting themselves on the back for living in ‘Jo’burg’ and not Cape Town.  After all Jo’burg is where it all happens, good dining, great money to be made, fabulous houses not to mention that the Cape-tonians are an unfriendly and snooty bunch who are way too proud of their ‘mountain’ (if you can see the thing for the clouds).   Of course there is a little jealousy, whilst they are stuck in the latest traffic jam caused by non-operating traffic lights, that the Cape is run by the D.A and not the A.N.C and is rumoured to ‘work’………..

There is also the feeling amongst Cape-tonians that the Gauteng-ers are way too money orientated and spend way too much time at work.  They are often heard to be wondering why people live there when the crime is much higher than any where else in the country. 

What can we say – on our travels we have found that the people from the Cape are very friendly, even strangers we have just met have invited us to stay in their homes.  Not one mention has ever been made of ‘THE mountain’ and yup – everything does seem to work.  Not once did we see a broken traffic light, the streets were well repaired and almost litter free.

The cape-tonians are probably more accurate about their assessment of Joburg but they forget that Jo’burg has one of the best climates in the country.  It is very rarely that it pours with rain day and night and extreme wind is usually only found in August. When it comes to climate nowhere in SA beats Jo’burg.

So our conclusion is – that you pick what suits you best……………. 

ps – we would like to thank Rene and Vaughan for a great supper and great company and for confirming that the Cape has more than good wine to offer……..

Posted November 16, 2013 by trollipstravels in Perception - fact or fiction?